Can A Condo Board Require Hurricane Shutters?

The short answer is yes, but there's a host of other folks that can require them as well. CLICK ON THE HEADLINE FOR MORE

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condoThis is a very timely question as we begin the hurricane season.

Several factors allow a board to require storm shutters for every unit. Your insurance company may require this improvement. The county and local code enforcement offices may require this improvement. Your location and proximity to the coastline are important factors in this requirement.

The short answer is yes, the board can require installation of shutters, but it should seek legal guidance to force this improvement.

Since we’re talking about hurricane preparedness and other disasters, it’s time for the board to start thinking and planning. All owners should also start with emergency planning.

It’s been a few years since Florida has experienced a major storm and we tend to be complacent about emergency procedures. Each owner is responsible for preparing for emergency situations for their personal property and life. The board of directors is responsible for the preparation for the building and common areas.

If there is any question regarding either party’s actions, now would be a good time to seek legal guidance.


Source:  Miami Herald

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